Turkish Journal of Nephrology
Original Article

The Association Between Feeding Habits, Nutritional Parameters and Quality of Sleep in Hemodialysis Patients


Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Nephrology, Mersin, Turkey


Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health, Diyarbakır, Turkey

Turkish J Nephrol 2014; 23: 14-19
DOI: 10.5262/tndt.2014.1001.04
Read: 1631 Downloads: 931 Published: 07 February 2019

OBJECTIVE: Poor sleep and sleep-related breathing disorders are common in hemodialysis (HD) patients. However, it is not well known whether there is a relation between nutritional habit and quality of sleep. The aim of this study was to investigate the relation between quality of sleep and nutritional characteristics.

MATERIAL and METHODS: The study population included 84 HD patients. Data were collected with the questionnaire developed by the researchers and included questions about socio-demographic features, biochemical fi ndings, and anthropometric data.

RESULTS: The quality of sleep was poor in 51.2% of the patients. These patients were relatively older than the patients with good quality of sleep (44.0±13.0 and 37.4±11.8 year respectively, p<0.001). The patients with the good quality of sleep consumed signifi cantly more meat-offal-cheese-egg (p<0.01) and fruit (p<0.05). The patients with the poor quality of sleep had signifi cantly lower albumin (p<0.01), pre-albumin (p=0.02) and total lymphocyte counts (p=0.02). The patients who more frequently had gastrointestinal complaints (especially abdominal discomfort and fl atulence) had the poor quality of sleep.

CONCLUSION: There are some associations between sleep quality and nutritional aspects. Nutritional habits should be evaluated in HD patients having poor sleep quality.

EISSN 2667-4440