Turkish Journal of Nephrology
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Total of 12 results
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Assessment of Kidney Function in Living Kidney Donors: Single-center Experience from A Developing Country

Mirna Aleckovic-Halilovic, Enisa Mesic, Mirha Pjanic, Edin Zukic, Mirela Basic-Denjagic

(Turkish J Nephrol 2024; 33: 372-380) DOI: 10.5152/turkjnephrol.2024.23687

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Post-transplant Malignancies: Current Perspective on Risk Factors, Prevention, and Management

Arzu Velioglu, Dilek Barutcu Atas, Rachel Hellemans

(Turkish J Nephrol 2024; 33: 316-323) DOI: 10.5152/turkjnephrol.2024.23631

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Does Serum 25-OH Vitamin D Affect the Development of Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Patients with Primary Hypertension?

Ezgi Bulut, Ayten Üstündağ, Derya Karabulut, Aykut Alkan, Necdet Süt

(Turkish J Nephrol 2024; 33: 349-357) DOI: 10.5152/turkjnephrol.2024.24801

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EISSN 2667-4440