Peritoneal equilibration test (PET) is the most practical way to monitor the peritoneal transport characterististics and it is recommended to be obtained twice a year. It has been recommended to redefine the ranges determined by Twardowski with the purpose of having an accurate reference in prescription decisions
118 initial standardized PETs of 118 patients were reviewed. Transport groupings of our patients were determined by using the method originally defined by Twardowski using the means and standart deviations of the PET-determined dialysatelplasma ratio (DIP) of creatinine and dialysate to 0 hour dialysate (DIDO) glucose values.
Creatinine DIP ratios at 2 and 4 hours in the present study were not different than those reported by Twardowski et al. Creatinine DIP ratio at 0 hours was different probably because of the persistence of significant residual dialysate volume. Glucose DIDO ratios at 2 and 4 hours were significantly different. The most reasonable explanation for the latter result may be that our patients have lower dialysate glucose absorption rate at the early and late stage of PET.
The present study indicates that solute transport groups may need to be redefined with a larger patient data collected from the other regions of our country since clinicians are using them for prescription decisions.