Essential hypertension (HT) leads to certain functional and structural chances in kidney that possible to detect at early stage. To investigate these effects, our study performed on 209 HT patients with m an age 48.2±9 years. Their systolic and diastolic blood pressure were 159.9^14 and 100.4±8 mmHg. 114 healthy subjects with mean age 46.6±9 years were included as controls. Serum uric acid (UA), urinary protein, albumin (UAE), N-acetyl-Q-Dglucosaminidase (NAG), p-2 microglobulin $2M were measured as renal damage indicators. In HT group UA, UAE, NAG (P<0.000), §2M, proteinuria (P<0.005) were higher versus to control. Also,%59 retinopathy (HR) and %28 overt microalbuniuria (MA) were observed. UA was higher in male(P<0.000), serum creatinin (P<0.000), urinary NAG/Cr e atinin, $2M/Creatinin ratio and proteinuria (P<0.05) were higher in female.