Turkish Journal of Nephrology

The History of Turkish Pediatric Nephrology: Founding and Success Story


Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Çocuk Nefrolojisi Bilim Dalı Emekli Öğretim Üyesi, Antalya, Türkiye


Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Çocuk Nefrolojisi Bilim Dalı Emekli Öğretim Üyesi, Ankara, Türkiye


Children’s Hospital, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany

Turkish J Nephrol 2013; 22: 137-147
DOI: 10.5262/tndt.2013.1002.01
Read: 1472 Downloads: 856 Published: 06 February 2019

This article describes the foundation of ‘Pediatric Nephrology’ in Turkey including the fi rst steps in the
international arena, the achievements in institutionalisation of services and training of pediatricians,
and the renal care offered to pediatric patients suffering from kidney diseases.

The world history of pediatric nephrology dates back to the 1960ies and 1970ies when the pioneers of
pediatric nephrology including Ihsan Dogramaci, the great mentor with a cosmopolitain vision, paid
much attention to pediatric nephrology, thus initiating the process of implementing pediatric nephrology
in Turkey and in Europe.

In the year 1983, Pediatric Nephrology achieved the status of a subspecialty in Pediatrics in Turkey. The
founding of the Turkish Society of Pediatric Nephrology in 1990 provided the basis for standardization
and institutionalisation of training in pediatric nephrology; and it also accelerated the development of
clinical studies and experimental research. The construction of well-equipped modern hospitals as well
as the fi nancial support by both universities and pharmaceutical industry played important roles in the
rapid increase in scientifi c activities.

In 2012, nearly 150 well-trained specialists are the basis for a high standard of clinical care and for
publishing activities, thus putting Turkey into the front line of publications and of congress presentations
in the world. Today, Turkey has 50 pediatric nephrology centers including 19 pediatric hemodialysis
units, 39 pediatric peritoneal dialysis units and 16 pediatric transplantation centers. The achievements of the founding generation include the participation at international congresses, the organization of a European congress of Pediatric Nephrology
in Istanbul and the active cooperation with well-known experts in ESPN and IPNA councils. The new generation of Turkish pediatric nephrologists
is well prepared to take over the mission they have learned from the pioneers, and they will aim at improving the accuracy of diagnosis, as well as
at providing availability and accessability of renal care for children in order to guarantee equity and effi ciacy of health care for all. 

EISSN 2667-4440