Turkish Journal of Nephrology
Case Report

IgA Nephropathy in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Department of Nephrology, Ankara, Turkey


Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Ankara, Turkey

Turkish J Nephrol 2016; 25: 205-207
DOI: 10.5262/tndt.2016.1002.15
Read: 1607 Downloads: 914 Published: 05 February 2019

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disorder. One of the most typical aspects of SLE is renal involvement. Lupus nephritis is a serious disease whose prognosis can usually be improved dramatically by treatment. The occurrence of non-lupus nephritis in SLE patients has rarely been reported. IgA Nephropathy (IgAN) and lupus nephritis (LN) have quite different laboratory, histopathologic findings and extra-renal clinical manifestations. In the light of these data we thought that IgAN and LN have different pathogeneses. We report a patient with SLE in whom IgA nephropathy was diagnosed. 

EISSN 2667-4440