Turkish Journal of Nephrology
Original Article

A Retrospective Analysis of Five Year Data of End-Stage Renal Disease Patients: A Single Center Experience


Selcuk University Meram Medical Faculty, Department of Nephrology, Konya, Turkey

Turkish J Nephrol 2011; 20: 156-162
DOI: 10.5262/tndt.2011.1002.07
Read: 1445 Downloads: 880 Published: 06 February 2019

OBJECTIVES: CKD is a worldwide threat to public health. Approximately 1.8 million people are currently being treated with renal replacement therapy including hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and transplantation. The etiology and factors affecting the progression of chronic kidney disease to endstage renal disease (ESRD) differ in industrialized and underdeveloped countries. Study DesIgn: The aim of the study was to investigate the etiologies of ESRD, factors affecting progression to ESRD and mortality rates of patients between 2000-2004, in Konya, a city in the Middle Anatolian region of Turkey.

MATERIAL and METHODS: We included 417 end-stage renal disease patients (207 female and 210 male) between 16-90 years old receiving RRT for the first time in the study. CKD was diagnosed by GFR measurement that was calculated by MDRD formula. Co-morbidity was expressed using WrightKhan index.

RESULTS: We showed that there was an increased rate of diabetic nephropathy between 2003 and 2004. The increased rate of diabetic nephropathy was found to be statistically significant in the last two years (p<0.005). There was also significant negative correlation between mortality and diastolic BP (r: -0.143, p: 0.05) and the education level of the patients (r: -0.159, p: 0.0002). There was a positive correlation between mortality and serum urea levels (r: 0.193, p: 0.0001), HD through a catheter for the first time (r: 0.140, p: 0.0006), and receiving HD by a continuous RRT modality (r: 0.163, p: 0.0001).

CONCLUSION: Our study showed that advanced age, increased mean arterial BP before the first RRT, having CVD or DM as an etiology of ESRD, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), decreased serum albumin levels and the presence of co-morbid diseases were the main factors that affected survival of the patients. 

EISSN 2667-4440